Thursday, June 30, 2011

sacred day one hundred eighty

a gift.

my sweet boy with his gloves, off in the neighbor's yard clipping their dandelions with my swiss army knife.  what a delightful sight as i stood at the front door watching this sacred being work with his hands.  pure innocence.  pure love. pure light.  i stepped into the yard to snap an image so that i could treasure it. his dear voice asked if i'd like to help.  "here, these are for you." and i captured the moment.  my dear, dear treasure. my sacred spark.  my sweet boy.


  1. these are precious moments indeed *sigh*
    tonight we meet our sweet boy's girlfriend for the first time... seems only months since he was picking me dandelions....

  2. claire, wow! i know that time has passed all too quickly over these last five years. i cannot imagine what the future will hold. i try to breathe in each of these gifts, each of these moments so that i will hold them within always.

    *sigh*ing with you. thank you for the reminder to hold these memories close.
