Wednesday, February 24, 2010

day fifty-five

celebrating, knight style.

my son's turning 4 on monday. wow. i love each new day with him. these days i'm asked to create many costumes, become a knight or a Gox (and others), cook with him, and sit for tea with him. we share a lot of words, stories, questions & answers, and lots of good affection. though thinking i had another week (somehow) before birthday celebrations would ensue, i realized that no, it's here. the invitations were cut & hand written, placed in an envelope with a sir J on a stick. we're limiting the number of chosen to party at the house, so there were MANY more friends that he wanted to celebrate with than we can adequately house in our cozy home. we'll enjoy these celebrations in the week ahead. sitting here today making these was a creative treat: a cup of coffee & the memories of this boy's young life.

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